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Weigh In Week 2 (Phase 2)

April 25, 2010

I am very surprised by this week because I got my period yesterday so I expected to see no weight loss show until next week due to menstrual water weight gain but I am down 2 pounds despite this!!    I have been getting some exercise but nowhere near a pounds worth so maybe the weights are finally boosting my metabolism, or maybe it is just a sign my thyroid is finally back on track.  This is kind of one of my goal points because for my height the first BMI weight that gets me out of the obese range and into overweight is 153 so I have crossed that hurdle.  It’ll be another 25 pounds though to get me to 127, which is the first weight in the healthy range of my BMI.  Since I haven’t even lost 25 pounds total yet that is a goal that seems far away so I will focus on what has always been my next set point over the years which is the 141 – 142 range for now.  If I can keep up the two pounds a week that would be encouraging.  Losing only 1 pound a week in phase one was a little slow as far as remaining motivated.

At 2 pounds a week that would be July 25 for 26 pounds (or 126) with no plateaus.  Ahh would that be nice!  Right now though I just need to get myself out of the 150s and into the 140s,  Then I’ll  focus on the 130s, go with the small goals and get myself there one small goal at a time seems to work better to keep me from getting discouraged.

Phase 2 Week 2

Beginning of Phase 2: 156

Weight Last Week: 154

Current Weight: 152

This Week’s Loss: 2 pounds

Total Phase 2 Loss so far: 4 pounds

This Week’s Exercise Calories Burned: 1112

This Week’s Calorie Intake Average: 1326 / day


Total Loss in Phase 1 & 2: 19 pounds

Phase 1 – Nov 1 – February 1  —-  171 – 156  – 15 pounds lost

February and March – Plateau with higher calorie intake, started to exercise again after thyroiditis made that impossible for a year and a half.

Phase 2 began April 11

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